1. Protection by hard defence structures or relocation of assets exposed to coastal risks: Contributions and drawbacks of cost-benefit analysis for long-term adaptation choices to climate change
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3. Barnett, J. et al. 2013. Barriers to adaptation to sea-level rise: the legal, institutional and cultural barriers to adaptation to sea-level rise in Australia [online]. Gold Coast: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Griffith University. Available from: https://www.nccarf.edu.au/sites/default/files/attached_files_publications/Barnett_2013_Barriers_to_adaptation_to_sea_level_rise.pdf [Accessed 7 Jul 2019].
4. Disaster on the horizon: The price effect of sea level rise
5. Flood Hazards, Insurance Rates, and Amenities: Evidence From the Coastal Housing Market