1. Les Fêtes de la Renaissance 75 – 80 . The festival book has been discussed as a genre by W. McAllister Johnson in a thought-provoking article entitled ‘Essai de critique interne des livres d'entrées français au XVIe siècle’ in edited by Jean Jacquot, III (Paris 1975), 187–200 and also in two short conference papers, by Christian Wagenknecht, ‘Die Beschreibung höfischer Feste. Merkmale einer Gattung’, and Dieter Breuer, ‘Höfische Sprache und Sprachwandel in Festbeschreibungen des Münchner Hofes’, which appeared as pp.—and 81–88 respectively of Wolfenbiitteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, 9 (Hamburg, 1981). The topic is briefly discussed as part of larger monographs by Roy Strong in Art and Power (Woodbridge, 1984), pp. 175–79 and Bonner Mitchell, The Majesty of the State. Triumphal Progresses of Foreign Sovereigns in Renaissance Italy (1494–1600) (Florence, 1986), p. 4 f. Karl Möseneder too in his study of Louis XIV's entry into Paris in 1660 touches on this aspect of the festival, as on all others (Zeremoniell und monumentale Poesie. ‘Entrée solenelle’ Ludwigs XIV. 1660 in Paris (Berlin, 1983), p. 15).
2. Catalogued as cod germ 8009a in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich.