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3. Bloching, S. “CSDP and EU Mission Update – June/July 2011”, European Security Review, Briefing no. 6 (28 June 2011). http://www.isis-europe.org/pdf/2011_artrel_642_esrbriefing6csdpupdate.pdf.
4. Bloching, S. “CSDP and EU Mission Update – April 2011”, European Security Review, Briefing no. 3 (15 April 2011). http://www.isis-europe.org/pdf/2011_artrel_628_esrbriefing3csdpupdate.pdf.
5. Council of the European Union, The EU Lifts Asset Freeze on Several Libyan Entities, Presse 281, 1 September 2011. http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/EN/foraff/124485.pdf.