1. A. A. Amsden , P. J. O'Rourke , and T. D. Butler , KIVA-II: A Computer Program for Chemically Reactive Flows with Sprays , Los Alamos Natl. Lab. Rep. LA-11560-MS , Los Alamos , NM , 1989 .
2. A. A. Amsden , KIVA-3: A KIVA Program with Block-Structured Mesh for Complex Geometries , Los Alamos Natl. Lab. Rep. LA-12503-MS , Los Alamos , NM , 1993 .
3. KIVA-3V: A block-structured KIVA program for engines with vertical or canted valves
4. KIVA-3V, Release 2: Improvements to KIVA-3V