1. Aktulum, K. 2004. Parçalılık/Metinlerarasılık (in Turkish). Ankara: Öteki Yayınevi.
2. Barthes, R. 1967. Writing Zero Degree. Translated by A. Lavers and C. Smith. London: Jonathan Cape. (Originally published 1953).
3. Barthes, R. 1974. S/Z. Translated by R. Miller. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. (Originally published 1970).
4. Barthes, R. 1977. “The Death of the Author.” In Image-Music-Text, edited by R. Barthes translated by S. Heath, 142–148. London: Fontana Press. (Originally published 1968).
5. Barthes, R. 1977. Elements of Semiology. Translated by A. Lavers and C. Smith. New York: Hill & Wang. (Originally published 1964).