1. Intimate Investments: Homonormativity, Global Lockdown, and the Seductions of Empire
2. Imperial Desire/Sexual Utopias:
3. Arestis Stefan. 2023. “Gay Argentina Travel: A Complete Gay Guide for LGBTQ Travellers.” Nomadic Boys November 30. Accessed December 11 2023. https://nomadicboys.com/argentina-gay-guide/.
4. Barrionuevo Alexei. 2007. “In Macho Argentina a New Beacon for Gay Tourists.” New York Times December 3. Accessed December 20 2023. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/03/world/americas/03argentina.html.
5. Borges, Jorge Luis. 1953. El Sur. Buenos Aires: La Nacion.