1. Violence and the Vulnerable Face of the Other: The Vision of Emmanuel Levinas on Moral Evil and Our Responsibility
2. Camus, A. (1958a). Caligula. InCaligula and three other plays(S. Gilbert, Trans.) (pp. 1–74). New York: Vintage Books. (Original work published 1950).
3. Camus, A. (1958b).The just assassins. InCaligula and three other plays(S. Gilbert, Trans.) (pp. 233–302). New York: Vintage. (Original work published 1950).
4. Camus, A. (1958c).The misunderstanding. InCaligula and three other plays(S. Gilbert, Trans.) (pp. 75–134). New York: Vintage. (Original work published 1944).
5. Camus, A. (1958d). Author’s Preface. InCaligula and three other plays(S. Gilbert, Trans.) (pp. v–x). New York: Vintage.