1. ARTFIXdaily. 2022. “Belvedere Museum to Sell NFTs Derived from The Kiss by Gustav Klimt for Valentine’s Day.” ARTFIXdaily Newsfeed, January 27. https://www.artfixdaily.com/news_feed/2022/01/27/230-belvedere-museum-to-sell-nfts-derived-from-the-kiss-by-gustav-klim.
2. BAYC. 2021. “Terms and Conditions.” Bored Ape Yacht Club (website). Copyright 2021. Accessed September 13, 2022. https://boredapeyachtclub.com/#/terms.
3. Blockchain and smart contracts: the missing link in copyright licensing?
4. Carron, Louise. 2022. “ABCs of NFTs, Art, and Law.” Art Law (topic), Center for Art Law, February 22, 2022. https://itsartlaw.org/2022/02/22/basic-introduction-to-nfts-by-an-art-attorney-louise-carron.