1. Bücker, H. M. and Sauren, M. A parallel version of the quasi-minimal residual method based on coupled two-term recurrences. Proceedings of Workshop on Applied Parallel computing in Industrial Problems and Optimization (Para 96). August, Lyngby, Denmark. Technical University of Denmark. Springer-Verlag
2. Chi, L. H., Liu, J., Liu, X. P., Hu, Q. F. and Li, X. M. An improved conjugate residual algorithm for large symmetric linear systems. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICCP6 and CCP2003. Computational Physics, pp.325–328. New Jersey: Rinton Press.
3. QMR: a quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems
4. Multiple search direction conjugate gradient method I: methods and their propositions
5. An improved bi-conjugate residual algorithm suitable for distributed parallel computing