1. Busby, Perkins + Will and Stantec Consulting. Roadmap for the Integrated Design Process. Commercial Real Estate and the Environment, CoStar Group, 2008. http://www.costar.com/partners/costar-green-study.pdf
2. Davis Langdon. Costing Green: A Comprehensive Cost Database and Budgeting Methodology. 2004.
3. Davis Langdon. Cost of Green Revisited. Reexamining the Feasibility and Cost Impact of Sustainable Design in the Light of Increased Market Adoption. July, 2007.
4. Gifford, H. A Better Way to Rate Green Buildings. EnergySavingsScience.com, 2008.
5. Green Building Finance Consortium. Quantifying "Green" Value: Assessing the Applicability of the CoStar Studies. June, 2008.