1. “O sooruzhenii goroda ‘Dal’nego’ i o predostavlenii semu gorodu prav porto-franko [About the construction of the ‘Dal’nii’ city and about granting this city the rights of porto-franco status] Law no. 17485.” In Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii. Sobranie (1881–1913) [Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire (1881–1913)] Vol. 19 (1899) 936.
2. “Ob oblozhenii tamozhennoi poshlinoi inostrannykh tovarov privozimykh v Priamurskii krai” [On the Imposition of Customs Duties on Foreign Goods Brought to the Priamur Region] Law no. 18787. In Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii. Sobranie (1881–1913) Vol. 20 (1900) 691.
3. “‘Predstoiashchii s”ezd v Khabarovke” [Upcoming Congress in Khabarovka]. Vladivostok September 29 1885 no. 39 3–4.
4. “Protektsionnye kazusy II” [Protectionism incidents Part II]. Dal’nii Vostok February 6 1902 no. 30 1.
5. Prilozhenie ko vsepoddanneishemu otchetu Vladivostokskogo Voennogo Gubernatora za 1884 god [Annex to the Report to the Emperor from the Vladivostok Military Governor for the 1884]. Vladivostok, 1884.