1. Distributed generation: a definition
2. Ackerman, T. and Knyazkin, V. Interaction between distributed generation and the distribution network: Operation aspects. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Distributed Generation Power System Market Aspects. 2-4 October, Stockholm, Sweden
3. J\'oos, G., McGillis, B. T., Ga, D., Liana, F. D. and Marceau, R. The potential of distributed generation to provide ancillary services. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting. 16-20 July, Seattle, WA
4. Hoff, T., Wenger, H. J. and Farmer, B. K. The value of grid-support photovoltaic in providing distribution system voltage support. Clean Power Research Conference. Napa, CA
5. Maximising penetration of wind generation in existing distribution networks