1. Bauxite Viet Nam. 2012. “Tuyên bố về việc cưỡng chế giải tỏa đất Văn Giang bằng vũ lực” (Petition to Stop the Enforcement of the Land Clearance in Van Giang by Force). Bauxite Viet Nam. 4 May 2012. Accessed November 14, 2012. http://boxitvn.blogspot.com/2012/05/tuyen-bo-ve-viec-cuong-che-giai-toa-at.html
2. BBC Vietnam News. 2006. “Biểu tình đòi đâ´t ở Hà Nội” (Protest over Land Seizure in Hanoi). BBC Vietnam News. 29 August 2006. Accessed October 22, 2012. http://www.bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/vietnam/story/2006/08/060829_land_protest.shtml