1. Department of Botany, Ethnopharmacology and Algal Biotechnology Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Deparment of Botany, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
3. Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
4. Department of Zoology, Division of Cancer Nanomedicine, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
5. Department of Environmental Science, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, India
6. Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
7. Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, P. R. China
8. Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, College of Life Science, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea