1. Liu, L., Jahnel, L. and Tavares, P. The LNLS UVX2 soft X-ray source. Proc. of the EPAC 92 Conference. Berlin. pp.450–452.
2. Krinsky, S., Bengtsson, J. and Kramer, S. Consideration of a double bend achromat lattice for NSLS-II. Proc. of EPAC 06 Conf. Edinburgh. pp.3487–3489.
3. Liu, L. Status of Sirius – A new Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source. Proc. of IPAC 11 Conf. San Sebastian. pp.931–933.
4. Eriksson, M. MAX-IV design: Pushing the envelope. Proc. of PAC 07 Conf. Albuquerque. pp.74–76.
5. Accelerator Physics