1. Becu O. (1961a November 27). [Circular titled Distribution of Filmstrips ]. The George Meany Memorial AFL-CIO Archives University of Maryland (RG18-004 (hereafter cited as 18-004) Box 23 Folder 8).
2. Becu O. (1961b September 28). [Circular titled Labour Films in the Free World ]. The George Meany Memorial AFL-CIO Archives University of Maryland (RG18- 007 (hereafter cited as 18-007) Box 26 Folder 13 (hereafter cited as 26/13)).
3. Becu O. (1962a January 29). [Circular titled Catalogue of Labour Films in the Possession of Trade Union Organisations ]. Walter P. Reuther Library Wayne State University (Victor Reuther Papers (hereafter cited as VR Papers)) Box 51 Folder 8 Detroit MI United States.
4. Becu O. (1962b December 13). [Circular titled Distribution of Films in the Possession of the ILFI Film Library ]. (18-007 26/13).
5. Becu O. (1962c December 13). [Circular titled Fourth international Labour Film Festival Tel Aviv 5-10 May 1963 ]. (18-007 Box 11 Folder 13 (hereafter cited as 11/13)).