1. 7 more strikes flare as Fisher settles dispute: U.A.W. ends dues drive; Threatens to keep non-payers in plants. (1938 April 20). The Washington Post X2.
2. Arrest union men at Ford plant gate: Police seize Thomas Addes and Leonard as they try to pass out handbills. (1940 May 23). The New York Times 27.
3. Asher, R., & Edsforth, R. (Eds.). (1995). Autowork. State University of New York Press.
4. Autoworkers leave plants as ‘sit-down’ strike ends: G.M. officials announce Flint factories will open Monday. (1937 February 12). The Washington Post 1.
5. Babson, S. (1991). Building the union: Skilled workers and Anglo-Gaelic immigrants in the rise of the UAW. Rutgers University Press.