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2. Baker, A. S., and Y. M. Chae. 1977. A laboratory quick test for predicting the lime requirement of acid mineral soils. Technical Bulletin 88, Washington State University, Pullman.
3. On the Validity of Interpretations of Potentiometrically Measured Soil pH
4. Gavlak, R., D. Horneck, and R. O. Miller. 2005. Soil, plant and water reference methods for the Western region (3rd ed.). WREP 125, Western Rural Development Center, Fort Collins, CO.
5. Hart, J. M., D. M. Sullivan, N. P. Anderson, A. G. Hulting, D. A. Horneck, and N. W. Christensen. 2013. Soil acidity in Oregon: Understanding and using concepts for crop production. EM 9061, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9061, Accessed on August 1, 2021.