1. Texas Department of Criminal Justice. COVID-19 updates. https://txdps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/dce4d7da662945178ad5fbf3981fa35c. Accessed September 16, 2020.
2. Health Care Delivery in the Texas Prison System
3. Rich D. Prison health care costs are higher than ever in Texas. Many point to an aging prison population. The Texas Tribune, November 25, 2019. www.texastribune.org/2019/11/25/texas-prison-health-care-budget-parole/. Accessed July 5, 2020.
4. Vera Institute of Justice. Incarceration trends in Texas. https://www.vera.org/downloads/pdfdownloads/state-incarceration-trends-texas.pdf. Accessed July 5, 2020.
5. Challenges and mental health needs of women in prison