1. Amaral , T. M. ( 2005 , October ).How does your EAP measure up? A review of national benchmarking data drawn from the EAP Data Warehouse. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Philadelphia, PA.
2. Amaral , T. M. ( 2008 , April ).Global benchmarking: Implications of research data for EAP best practices. Paper presented at the annual institute of the Employee Assistance Society of North America, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
3. Amaral , T. M. ( 2010 , October ).The seven market segments of the EAP industry. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Tampa, FL.
4. Amaral , T. M. , Sharar , D. & Attridge , M. ( 2013 , May ).Advancing the EAP field by applying innovations in technology and predictive analytics. Paper presented at the annual institute of the Employee Assistance Society of North America, Chicago, IL.