1. The icelandic annals as historical sources
2. Haug, E. 1996.Provincia Nidnisiensis i dimming Margretes unions- og maktpolitik33–35. Trondheim for references to historians who have assumed that the last notices in Icelandic annals were independent continuations updated year by year
3. Storm, G. 1888.Islandske annaler indtil 1578iii–lxxxiv. Christiania
4. Nordal, S. 1945.Flatejgarbókvol. 4, xiiiAkranes
5. Vigfússon, G. and Linger, C. R. 1868.Flattyjarbók: En Samling of norske Konge-Sagaer med indskudte mindre Fort?llinger om Gegivenheder i og udernfor Norge samt Annalervol. 3, xvChristiania As the editors of the diplomatic text of Flatgjarbókput it, "Denne Afskrift er paa mange Steder meget feilagtig, GyidentaIIet i Randen svarer ofte ikke til Texten inde paa Siden, Begivenhederne ere anforte under urigtige Aarstal, og hvor nogen Uoverensstemmelse med Annales Regii finder Sted, kan man vaere vis paa, at den sidste Bog bar det rette" [This copy is in many places full of errors, the Paschal letters in the margin often do not match the text on the page, the events are entered under the wrong years, and where there are any discrepancies with the Annales Regii, one can be certain that the latter book is correct]