1. Abelove, Heary, Bladcmar, Betsy, Dimcock, Peter and Schneer, Jonathan (eds) (1985) Vilons of History, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2. Berlin, Ira (1988) 'Introduction', in Robert Starobin Blacks in Bondage: Letters of American Slaves, New York: New Viewpoints.
3. Blassingame, John (ed.) (1971) New Perspectives in Black Studies, Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press.
4. Buhle, Paul (ed.) (1990) History and the New Left: Madison, Wisconsin, 1950-1970, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
5. - (Date unknown) 'Reminiscences of Paul Buhle', Student Movements of the 1960s, Oral History Collection, Columbia University Oral History Office, New York.