1. T = Taishō shinshū dai zōkyō 大正新修大藏經. See Secondary Sources, Takakusu and Watanabe, eds.
2. X = Xinbian xu zangjing 新編卍字續藏經. See Secondary Sources.
3. Ahan koujie shi’er yinyuan jing 阿含口解十二因緣經 [Anhou’s Verbal Interpretation of the Scripture on the Twelve (Links) of Causes and Conditions]. 1 juan. Trans. An Xuan 安玄 (fl. 181). T no. 1508 vol. 25.
4. Bannihuan jing 般泥洹經 [Scripture of the Buddha’s Great Demise]. 2 juan. Trans. Zhi Qian 支謙 (d. 252). T no. 6 vol. 1.
5. Bianzheng lun 辯正論 [Treatises on Defending the Right (Views)]. 8 juan. By Falin 法琳 (572–640). T no. 2110 vol. 52.