1. 2018 Farm Bill by the Numbers, 2018, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (blog), 21 December. Available at http://sustainableagriculture.net/blog/2018-farm-bill-by-the-numbers/
2. AFBF, American Farm Bureau Federation, 2018, Clean Water Act–Definition of Waters of the U.S. Available at https://www.fb.org/files/WOTUS_2018.pdf
3. American Farm Bureau Federation, n.d., Clean Water Act, WOTUS. Available at https://www.fb.org/issues/regulatory-reform/clean-water-act (accessed 2 March 2019).
4. Aimpoint, 2016, 2016 producer survey results. 28 January. Available at https://www.agri-pulse.com/ext/resources/pdfs/a/g/r/1/6/AgriPulse_Presidential_Survey_Results_1_29_2016.pdf
5. Badger, E., 2018, As American as Apple Pie? The rural vote’s disproportionate slice of power. The New York Times, 20 January, sec. The Upshot. Available at https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/upshot/as-american-as-apple-pie-the-rural-votes-disproportionate-slice-of-power.html