1. “Mother Courage Restaurant: Mother Courage,” title of periodical cut off. Smith College Archives, Dolores Alexander Papers (unprocessed), Box 21, Folder 180.
2. Alexander, A. (2004, March 20 and 2005, October 22). Interview by K. Anderson. Voices of Feminism Oral History Project of Smith College. Retrieved from https://www.smith.edu/libraries/libs/ssc/vof/transcripts/Alexander.pdf
3. Alexander, D. & Ward, J. (n.d.). Mother courage history. Dolores Alexander Papers (unprocessed), Box 13, Smith College Archives.
4. Antonuccio, J. (2011, June 23). Remembering the Brick Hut Café, Part II. Bay Area Bites. Retrieved from https://ww2.kqed.org/bayareabites/2011/06/23/lgbt-pride-remembering-the-brick-hut-café-part-2