Islands in the City: Negotiating the Location of British Concessions along the Yangtze River in 1861 China


Zhang Yichi1ORCID


1. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing, People’s Republic of China


Informa UK Limited

Reference53 articles.

1. Guiliang (桂良). 1858a. “Guiliang Reports to Accommodate the British Requests (欽差大學士桂良等奏英所要脅賠款遊歷通商各款從權姑允駐京一節請示機宜折).” In The Second Opium War (第二次鴉片戰爭), edited by Association of Chinese Historians (中國史學會), 416–418. Shanghai: Shanghai People Press.

2. Guiliang (桂良). 1858b. “Guiliang Reports to Appease the British Rather than Fight against Them (欽差大學士桂良等奏詳酌時事主戰不如主撫英人要求駐京等四款可以從權允准折).” In The Second Opium War (第二次鴉片戰爭), edited by Association of Chinese Historians (中國史學會), 437–440. Shanghai: Shanghai People Press.

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4. Badonga (巴棟阿). 1861b. “Badonga Reports that the British Ship Went Upstream and Conducted a Re-inspection of the Yinshan Site for Port Development (京口副都統巴棟阿續報英輪上駛並復勘銀山地基以備建屋通商折).” In The Second Opium War (第二次鴉片戰爭), edited by Association of Chinese Historians (中國史學會), 397–398. Shanghai: Shanghai People Press.

5. Guanwen (官文). 1861. “Guanwen Reports the Situation of the British Ships from Shanghai to Hankou to Plan the Establishment of Settlement and Undertake Trades (湖廣總督官文奏英船由滬抵漢籌議堪地通商現在辦理情形折).” In The Second Opium War (第二次鴉片戰爭), edited by Association of Chinese Historians (中國史學會), 422–424. Shanghai: Shanghai People Press.







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