1. Achilles, Jochen, and Ina Bergmann. 2015. “‘Betwixt and Between: Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Short Fiction.” In Liminality and the Short Story: Boundary Crossings in American, Canadian, and British Writing, edited by Jochen Achilles, and Ina Bergmann, 3–31. New York: Routledge.
2. Anderson, Benedict. 2006. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Revised ed. London: Verso.
3. At the Margins of the Minor
4. On writing transnational migration in On Black Sisters’ Street (2009) and Better Never Than Late (2019): An interview with Chika Unigwe
5. Bekers, Elisabeth. 2015. “Introduction to ‘Eèchtenteèchtig’.” In Challenging the Myth of Monolingualism, edited by Liesbeth Minnaard, and Till Dembeck, 109–110. Amsterdam: Brill.