1. The Corporation and the Tribe
2. Beam, Andrew. 2015. “Candidates Discuss Tax Abatements, Youth Programs.” October 16. http://www.recordonline.com/article/20151016/NEWS/151019478.
3. Bendery, Jennifer. 2020a. “The White House Wanted to Give $0 to Tribes in the $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill.” April 1. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/tribes-stimulus- coronavirus-white-house-republicans-213242717.html.
4. Bendery, Jennifer. 2020b. “Tribes aren’t Getting COVID-19 Aid Because Federal Agencies are Flailing.” HuffPost. April 16. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/native-american-tribes- coronavirus-aid-tom-udall_n_5e96012bc5b6fd5b0a72baaa.