Observed differences in upper extremity forces, muscle efforts, postures, velocities and accelerations across computer activities in a field study of office workers


Bruno Garza J.L.1,Eijckelhof B.H.W.23,Johnson P.W.4,Raina S.M.1,Rynell P.W.4,Huysmans M.A.23,van Dieën J.H.35,van der Beek A.J.23,Blatter B.M.36,Dennerlein J.T.17


1. a Department of Environmental Health , Harvard University , Boston , MA , USA

2. b Department of Public and Occupational Health and the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research , VU University Medical Center , Amsterdam , the Netherlands

3. c Body@Work Research Center on Physical Activity, Work and Health , TNO-VU/VUmc , Amsterdam , the Netherlands

4. d Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences , University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA

5. e Research Institute MOVE, Faculty of Human Movement Sciences , VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam , the Netherlands

6. f Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research , TNO , Hoofddorp , the Netherlands

7. g Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital , Harvard Medical School , Boston , MA , USA


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Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Human Factors and Ergonomics

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