1. Logarithmic Distribution Functions for Colloidal Particles1a
2. Latitudinal variations of stratospheric aerosols
3. Ferry , G. V. , and Lem , H. Y. ( 1974a ) Aerosols in the stratosphere.Proceedings of the Third Conference on Climatic Impact Assessment Program.U.S. Department of Transportation, DDT-TSC-OST-74-15, pp. 310–317.
4. Ferry , G. V. , and Lem , H. Y. ( 1974b ) Aerosols at 20 kilometers altitude.Preprints of the Second International Conference on the Environmental Impact of Aerospace Operations in the High Atmosphere.American Meterological Society , Boston , pp. 277 – 33 .
5. Southern hemisphere stratospheric aerosol measurements: 3. Size distribution 1974–1979