1. Beringer, M. (2019, June 6). 5 Skill-Based Floor Hockey Games for PE - Gopher PE Blog. https://www.gophersport.com/blog/5-skill-based-floor-hockey-games/
2. Integrating Global Games in the Elementary Physical Education Curriculum
3. Global Lessons That Will Mean the World to Your Students
4. SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2013). SHAPE America grade-level outcomes for K–12 physical education. https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/upload/Grade-Level-Outcomes-for-K-12-Physical-Education.pdf
5. USA Floorball Association. (2018). Rules of the game. http://www.floorball.org/Liitetiedostot/Regulations/2018/Rules%20of%20the%20Game%20Edition%202018%20-%20update%2003.06.2018.pdf