1. NB: All these documents are fully available from the Swiss Federal Archives (Bern) – digitized official publications, https://www.amtsdruckschriften.bar.admin.ch, in parallel official German and French text. The materials are listed here in the French text, which was used as the basis for this study.
2. o Legislative history – materials from the Federal Gazette [Feuille fédérale, hereafter ‘FF’], in chronological order
3. - Code of Obligations
4. Message du Conseil fédéral à la haute Assemblée fédérale concernant le projet d’une loi fédérale sur les obligations et le droit commercial (du 27 novembre 1879). FF 1880 I 115–189. [Referenced in the text as ‘Code of Obl. – Dispatch, 1879’.]
5. Rapport du Conseil fédéral à l’Assemblée fédérale concernant le code des obligations (du 28 mai 1881). FF 1881 III 13–15. [Code of Obl. – Report, 1881.]