1. Badiou, Alain. 2005. “L’invention de la Chine.” In Chine-Europe: Percussions dans la pensée, edited by Pierre Chartier and Thierry Marchaisse, 90–95. Paris: Presses Universitaires De France.
2. Jullien, François. 1995. The Propensity of Things. Translated by Janet Lloyd. New York: Zone Books.
3. Jullien, François. 2004a. In Praise of Blandness: Proceeding from Chinese Thought and Aesthetics. Translated by Paula M. Varsano. New York: Zone Books.
4. Jullien, François. 2004b. “A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking.” Translated by Janet Lloyd. University of Hawaii Press.
5. The Great Image Has No Form, or On the Nonobject through Painting