1. Banks, S. B., Harrington, R. A., Santos, E. Jr. and Brown, S. M. Usability testing of an intelligent interface agent. Proceedings of Interfaces '97—Sixth International Conference. pp.121–123.
2. Banks, S. B., Santos, E. Jr and Harrington, R. A. An intelligent agent for modeling user intent using bayesian techniques. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer Interact ion : Poster Sessions. pp.60
3. Borghetti, B. J., Williams, E. M. and Santos, E. Jr. Inferencing over incomplete solution spaces with genetic algorithms for probabi listic reasoning. Proceedings of the Seventh Midwest AI and Cognitive Science Conference.
4. Brown, S. M., Harrington, R. A., Santos, E. Jr and Banks, S. B. User models, intelligent interface agents and expert systems. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on User Modeling Workshop on Embedding User Models in Intelligent Applications. pp.12–16.