1. Ackerly, Brooke. 2000a. Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. - 2000b. 'Women's Rights Are Human Rites: Women's Human Rights Activists as Cross-Cultural Theorists', Working Paper, California, LA: Center for International Studies, University of Southern California.
3. - 2O01b. 'Learnings from Scholar-Activists Dialogue', paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, 24 February.
4. Ackerly, Brooke and Susan M. Okin. 1999. 'Feminist Social Criticism and the International Movement for Women's Rights as Human Rights', in Ian Shapiro and Casiano Hacker-Cordon (eds) Democracy's Edges, pp. 134-62. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5. Ackerly, Brooke and Jacqui True. 2001. Transnational Justice: The Contribution of Feminism to Critical International Relations Theory', Working Paper, California, LA: Center for International Studies, University of Southern California.