1. Abolishing asylum and violating the human rights of refugees. Why is it tolerated?
2. Strange Death of the Catholic Church in Poland;Beniuszys Piotr;Liberte,2018
3. Braunstein, Ruth, Fuist Todd Nicholas, and Rhys H. Williams, eds. 2017. Religion and Progressive Activism: New Stories about Faith and Politics. New York: New York University Press.
4. CBOS. 2018. “Stosunek Polaków i Czechów do przyjmowania uchodźców (Attitudes of Poles and Czechs toward Receiving Refugees).” Accessed 1 February 2021. https://cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2018/K_087_18.PDF
5. Jeśli my, Polacy, mamy coś z kimś razem zrobić, to owszem, chętnie—z bratem lub kuzynem, daleko od ducha wspólnoty (If We, Poles, Have to Do Something with Someone, then Yes, We Will—With a Brother or a Cousin, Far from the Community Spirit);Czyż Magdalena.;Gazeta Wyborcza,2020