Pseudodimorphism of trans-9,10-Dihydro-9,10-ethanoanthracene-11,12-dicarboxylic Acid Clathrates with Ethyl and Butyl Acetate


Ibragimov B. T.1,Izotova L. Yu.1,Ashurov D. M.1,Talipov S. A.1,Weber E.2,Perrin M.3,Blake A. J.4


1. a Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry , Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2. b Institut für Organische ChemieTechnische Universität Bergakademie , Freiberg, Germany

3. c Centre de Diffractometrie Automatique, Universite Claude Bernard , Lyon, France

4. d School of Chemistry , The University of Nottingham , Nottingham, UK


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Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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