1. Istoriia stalinskogo Gulaga. Konets 1920-x–pervaia polovina 1950-x godov, tom 1: massovye repressii v SSSR [The History of the Stalinist Gulag from the late 1920s to the early 1950s. vol. 1: Mass repressions in the USSR] edited by S. V. Mironenko and N. Werth. Moscow, Rosspen: 2004.
2. Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (State Archive of the Russian Federation). f. A461 – Prosecutor of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. f. R9474 – Supreme Court of the USSR.
3. Latvijas Valsts arhīvs (Latvian State Archives). f. PA-101 – Latvian Communist Party Central Committee.
4. Rahvusarhiiv (National Archives of Estonia).
5. ERAF.17SM – Ministry of Internal Affairs, Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. ERAF 1.4 – Estonian Communist Party Central Committee. ERA.R2288 – Department of Foreign Tourism under the Estonian SSR Council of Ministers.