1. Woodhouse, Annie. 1989.Fantastic Women: Sex, Gender and Transvestism, 29–29. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.
2. Brierly, Harry. 1979.Transvestism: A Handbook with Case Studies for Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Counselors, 129–129. New York: Pergamon Press.
3. Transvestites in the Middle Ages
4. Talamini, John T. 1982.Boys Will Be Girls: The Hidden World of the Heterosexual Male Transvestite, 1–16. Lanham, MD: Univesity Press of America.
5. Ackroyd, Peter. 1979.Dressing up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession, 52–52. New York: Simon and Schuster.