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2. Bates, D.M. 1930 Great Aboriginal Trade Route. The Australasian, 1 November, p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article140834806
3. Bird, C. 1985 Prehistoric Lithic Resource Utilisation: A Case Study from the Southwest of Western Australia. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.
4. Apparent Association of Bryozoan Chert Artefacts and Quartz Geometric Microliths at an Open-Air Site, Arumvale, South-Western Australia
5. Dortch, J. 1995 Report of an Archaeological Excavation at the Dunsborough Site, Busselton Shire, Western Australia. Unpublished report to Gnuraren Aboriginal Corporation, Busselton and Water Authority of Western Australia.