A tale of three caves:New dates for Pleistocene occupation in the inland Pilbara


Morse Kate1,Cameron Richard1,Reynen Wendy1


1. Big Island Research, PO Box 490, Fremantle, WA, 6959, Australia,,


Informa UK Limited



Reference8 articles.

1. Cameron, R. and L. Dinkler 2013 Site ID Work Area Heritage Assessment, Atlas Iron Limited’s Abydos Mettams, Leightons and Cove Expansion Areas (M45/1179), Pilbara, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared by Big Island Research for Njamal Native Title Group, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation and Atlas Iron Ltd.

2. Harris, D., L. Dinkler and A. Harris 2014 Final Report Work Area and Work Program Heritage Assessment, Corunna Downs Exploration Drilling Program, Tenements E45/3320, E45/3321, E45/3579 and E45/2585, Atlas Iron Limited’s Corunna Downs Project, East Pilbara, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared by Big Island Research for Njamal Native Title Group, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation and Atlas Iron Ltd.

3. Marwick, B. 2002 Inland Pilbara archaeology: A Study of Variation in Aboriginal Occupation Over Time and Space on the Hamersley Plateau. Unpublished MA thesis, Department of Archaeology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley.

4. Reynen, W. and A. Harris 2013 Site Avoidance Level Survey of Nominated Areas within Atlas Iron Ltd’s Pardoo Project – Trips 1, 2 and 3, Pilbara, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared by Big Island Research for Ngarla Native Title Group and Atlas Iron Ltd.

5. Reynen, W., R. Cameron and K. Morse 2014 Final Report Archaeological Work Area (Site Identification recording) Assessment, Atlas Iron Limited’s McPhee Creek Project, South West Mining and Transport Infrastructure (E46/733, E46/732 and M45/1240) Pilbara, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared by Big Island Research for Njamal Native Title Group, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation and Atlas Iron Ltd.








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