1. Horner, P. (1992). ‘The skinks of the Northern Territory’. Northern Territory Government Printing Office, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
2. Pavey, C.R. (2007). Slater’s skink Egernia slateri. In J. Woinarski, C. Pavey, R. Kerrigan, I. Cowie, and S. Ward (eds.), ‘Lost from our landscape: Threatened species of the Northern Territory’, pp 176–177. Northern Territory Government, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
3. Storr, G.M. (1968). Revision of the Egernia whitei species-group (Lacertilia, Scincidae). Journal of the Royal Society ofWestern Australia 51: 51–62.
4. Pavey, C.R., Burwell, C.J. & Nano, C.E.M. (2010). Foraging ecology and habitat use of Slater’s skink (Egernia slateri): An endangered Australian desert lizard. Journal Of Herpetology 44: 563–571.
5. Pavey, C.R. (2004). Recovery plan for Slater’s skink, Egernia slateri, 2005–2010. Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, Northern Territory Government, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia.