1. Allbeck, J. M. and Badler, N. J. Consistent communication with control. Proceedings of the Workshop on "Representing, annotating and evaluating non-verbal and verbal communicative acts to achieve Contextual Embodied Agents.". Edited by: Pelachaud, C. and Poggi, I. Autonomous Agents.
2. Berthold, A. and Jameson, A. Interpreting symptoms of cognitive load in speech input. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of User Modeling. Edited by: Kay, J. Springer.
3. Carofiglio, V., de Rosis, F. and Castelfranchi, C. Ascribing and weighting beliefs in deceptive information exchanges. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of User Modeling. Edited by: Bauer, M., Gmytrasiewicz, P. J. and Vassileva, J. Springer.