1. Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
2. MOVE-IT Research Group, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain
3. Department of Public Health, Medical School, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
4. Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
5. Department of Health Consulting, Research and Science, Outdoor Against Cancer, Munich, Germany
6. Creative Thinking Development - CRE.THI.DEV, Rafina, Greece
7. Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’educazione e lo Sviluppo (CEIPES), Palermo, Italy
8. Lega Italiana per la lotta Contro i Tumori (LILT Palermo), Palermo, Italy
9. Medical Oncology Unit, Ospedale Buccheri-La Ferla Fatebenefratelli, Palermo, Italy