1. British Library, London. ‘Harley MS 6356, 153-62: Andrew Marvell Senior’s Funeral Sermon for John Ramsden, Mayor of Hull’. December 8, 1637.
2. Hull History Centre, Hull. ‘C BRB/3: “Bench Book 1609–1650”’.
3. Hull History Centre, Hull. ‘C BRG/1: Item 2. “Register of Burgesses Admitted 1443–1645, with an Index from 1545–1645”’.
4. Hull History Centre, Hull. ‘C DIAM/1: “Sermons &c of the Rev. Andrew Marvell”’.
5. Hull History Centre, Hull. ‘C DMX/132: “An Historical Account of the Town of Kingston Upon Hull from the First Foundation Thereof to the Revolution of 1688, by Abraham de la Prime”, c.1700’.