1. III. Cattle
2. Animal size and efficiency, with special reference to growth and feed conversion in cattle
3. Andersen, Bech B., L⊘vendahl, P., Jensen, J., S⊘rensen, S. E., Klastrup, S. and Buchter, L. 1983.(Breeding stations for beef production 1981/82.), Avlsstationerne for k⊘dproduktion 1981/82. Ber. 539 129Copenhagen: Statens Husdyrbrugsfors⊘g.
4. Andersen, Bech B., Lykke, T., Kousgaard, K., Buchter, L. and Pedersen, J. W. 1977.Growth, feed utilization, carcass quality and meat quality in Danish dual purpose cattle. Genetic analysis concerning 5 years data from the progeny tests for beef production at Egtved, Ber. 463 100Copenhagen: Statens Husdyrbrugsfors⊘g.
5. Buchter, L. Development of a standardized procedure for the slaughter of experimental beef animals from the Danish progeny test station “Egtved”. 16th Eur. Meet. Meat Res. workers. Varna, Bulgaria. Vol. 1, pp.45–56.