1. Acharya M. “Poor Indians Abroad: Jugglers at a Berlin Zoo.” Bombay Chronicle July 20 1926.
2. Acharya M. “Why Gandhi Attacks Salt-Tax.” IAC Press Service 45 April 25 1930.
3. Acharya M.P.T. “Viren Chattopadhyaya: Revolutionary Fighter for India’s Freedom.” Bombay Chronicle November 2 1947.
4. Arathil Candeth Narayan NAMBIAR. “Indian KV2/3904 Kew: The National Archives.
5. Balachandran,V. A Life in Shadow: The Secret Story of A.C.N. Nambiar: A Forgotten Anticolonial Warrior. New Delhi: Lotus Collection, Roli Books, 2016.