1. Leonard Bloomfleld,An Introduction to the Study of Language.(New York: Henry Holt, 1914) pp. 130–131.
2. For the use of the word «measure» to designate classifiers in ('.hinese for instance, see M. Gardner Tewksbury,Speak Chinese(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948) p. 17, John De Francis,Reginning Chinese(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1946) pp. 31–32.
3. Gabrielle Vassal,On and Off Duly inAnnam, (London: William Heinemann, 1910) p. 122. In this connection, M. B. Emeneau, in “Taboos on Animal Names,”Language24.1. 56–63, suggested that the hypothesis of mere avoidance by hunters is not satisfactory, and that a religious taboo is probably involved.
4. Bernard Bloch and Eleanor Harz Jorden,Spoken Japanese(New York: Henry Holt Co., 1946), p. 162.