1. Such lists are to be found for Arabic in theMuzhirof Jalāl ad-Dīn Suyūtī and in theKhaşā'iş, II, of Ibn-Jinnī. In the grammar of Erpenius (Thomae Erpenii Grammatica Arabica, Lugduni, 1748) p. 18 there is an enumeration oflitterae incompatibilesbased on an Arabic source I have not been able to identify. Erpenius is followed closely by De Sacy in hisGrammaire Arabe, 2nd Ed. Paris, 1831, p. 31. For Hebrew the only mention of this topic which I have found is in theMiqnē Abramof Abraham ben Meir de Balmes (Venice, 1523), 21–22.
2. Al-Ghawālīqī,Mu'arrab, ed. Sachau, p. 7 This passage is referred to by W. Spitta-Bey in hisGrammatik des arabischen Vulgärdialektes von Aegypten, (Leipzig, 1880), p. 15.