1. The Cone Calorimeter
2. A Review of Factors Affecting the Burning Behaviour of Wood for Application to Tall Timber Construction
3. Bicke S. (2019) Dimensionsstabile und Pilzresistente Furnierwerkstoffe Durch Zellwandmodifizierung mit Niedermolekularem Phenol-Formaldehyd. Doctoral Thesis (Göttingen Germany: Georg-August-University Göttingen).
4. CEN 2015: EN ISO 13927 (2015) Plastics. Simple Heat Release Test Using a Conical Radiant Heater and a Thermopile Detector (Brussels, Belgium: European Committee for Standardization).
5. CEN 2020: EN 84 (2020) Wood Preservatives – Accelerated Ageing of Treated Wood Prior to Biological Testing - Leaching Procedure (Brussels, Belgium: European Committee for Standardization).